E-Stim Self Adhesive Monopole Pad Safety Update

Safety information and questions.
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E-Stim Self Adhesive Monopole Pad Safety Update

Unread post by Joanne »

I was recently made aware of two instances where stimmers had problems with self-adhesive monopole pads.

One was a result of trimming it down too much of the pad, which removed most of the conductive threads in the pad leading to a fire (eek). The second was caused when a pad shorted to a metal electrode. I have added some notes to my Electrode Position Guide.

Here are pics of the two pads concerned.
pad1.jpg (61.52 KiB) Viewed 64881 times
Too much conductive thread removed
Too much conductive thread removed
pad2.jpg (34.91 KiB) Viewed 64881 times

I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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Re: E-Stim Self Adhesive Monopole Pad Safety Update

Unread post by Joanne »

I have written a more in-depth guide to trimming down monopole pad electrodes to spread this safety message further hopefully.

E-stim Self-Adhesive Monopole Pad Electrode Safety
I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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