RIP - Tom, my father in law has passed away

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RIP - Tom, my father in law has passed away

Unread post by Joanne »

My father in law has passed away abroad and it has created some monumental challenges for the family to overcome, if I am a bit quiet online I am sure that you can now understand why. :cry:

I created a blog post on my site to cover the situation in more details but suffice to say my partner is now abroad with no sign of him being able to come back to the UK any time soon - not good.

Anyway, I hope everyone is safe and well, to read up on the current situation here, this is a link to the aforementioned post - Family, good intentions and Covid!
k2tom.jpg (49.97 KiB) Viewed 10619 times

I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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Re: RIP - Tom, my father in law has passed away

Unread post by Joanne »

A quick update. My mother-in-law is now out of hospital after being admitted with Covid and Stunt Cock is caring for her and making sure she is comfortable and has what she needs. Obviously, this puts him in harm's way and I am worried to death by it all.

The funeral went as well as can be expected, as Tom was an ex para, Stunt Cock and his brother got him a para beret and they played the last post for him at his funeral. I am just hoping that his mum makes a full recovery from Covid and that Stunt Cock doesn't get it as he hasn't had his jab yet.
I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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