Bed warping

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Bed warping

Unread post by Joanne »

Having installed a cheap Chinese inductive probe and working out how to use a BAT85 diode to reduce its output voltage to not fry my printers motherboard I now have it working as an auto bed leveller.

One neat thing is that I can now pull down data about just how warped the print bed on my CR10S really is and as you can see below it is really warped when cold (0.6mm difference between the dip in the middle and the edges). As it warms up that dip lessens due to the bed flexing and expanding and if I leave it to heat soak for five minutes before printing on it then the accuracy really changes and it makes a huge difference.

The moral of the story is that it can take time for your print bed to fully warm up and letting it soak will make your initial layer go down better as you will have much more control over the nozzle to bed clearance.
Examples of how heat soaking affects bed warping
Examples of how heat soaking affects bed warping

I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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Re: Bed warping

Unread post by eblob »

Very interesting, I will try it in the future maybe I don't have to scrap my bed. bigger parts have been almost impossible without a raft underneath.

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Re: Bed warping

Unread post by Joanne »

I always had to use a raft but since installing the prober and configuring it to act as a bed levelling probe (5x5 grid as the bed is huge on a CR10) I have not had to use rafts at all. So I am chuffed to bit with it.
I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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Re: Bed warping

Unread post by eblob »

I'm using a Geeetech A10M with a leveling probe but till now, even with leveling it is not good enough for parts bigger then 130x130 mm.

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Re: Bed warping

Unread post by Joanne »

Having a warped bed is a total pain in the bum LOL.
I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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