The 8mm sounds I purchased when fitted to the new e-stim rings sound holder get a bit offset in the standard 12mm hole. I have therefore spent last evening creating a collar that allows an 8mm sound to sit straight in the 12mm hole. I also made the 'design' suitable (though cannot be tested) for 6mm and 10mm sounds. There is a hole in the side for the securing screw.
I can't send a picture of the finished collar at the moment.
I have the 'design' as an Openscad text file and an .stl file though I don't think this forum allows code files to be uploaded. However I post the code below for anyone interested. I have put a GPL2 licence header but I ain't worried about any copies!
Code: Select all
Openscad code for Penile sound diameter adaptor.
Copyright (C) 2023 Anthony Pemberton ([email protected])
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This is a little coller to fit inside Joanne's Reviews 'Electro Ring Compatible Sound Holder' for sounds less than 12mm.abs
All dimensions in mm.
// Use a small value to make sure that print errors and part difference()'s are cleanly implemented
tolerance = 0.01;
// for nice smooth holes
option_Select_Sound_Diameter = "8mm"; //["6mm","8mm","10mm"]
// Sound adapter dimensions
Sound_Adapter_Outer_Dia = 12.4 - (tolerance * 5);
Sound_Adapter_6mm_Dia = 6 + (tolerance * 10);
Sound_Adapter_8mm_Dia = 8 + (tolerance * 10);
Sound_Adapter_10mm_Dia = 10 + (tolerance * 10);
Sound_Adapter_flange_Dia = Sound_Adapter_Outer_Dia + 2;
Sound_Adapter_len = 10.5;
Sound_Adapter_flange_len = 1.5;
Sound_Adapter_body_len = Sound_Adapter_len + Sound_Adapter_flange_len;
Sound_Adapter_Securing_ScrewHole_Dia = 4.5;
Sound_Adapter_Securing_ScrewHole_len = Sound_Adapter_Outer_Dia;
// Generate correct size hole for desired sound
sound_Size =
(option_Select_Sound_Diameter == "6mm") ? Sound_Adapter_6mm_Dia :
(option_Select_Sound_Diameter == "8mm") ? Sound_Adapter_8mm_Dia :
(option_Select_Sound_Diameter == "10mm") ? Sound_Adapter_10mm_Dia : undef;
// Sound adapter code
translate([0,0,0]) { // Set position on grid
difference() {
union() { // Create adapter body Add and join flange
translate([0,0,Sound_Adapter_flange_len]) { // Raise main holder body by flange length
cylinder(h = Sound_Adapter_len, d = Sound_Adapter_Outer_Dia);
translate([0,0,0]) {
cylinder(h = Sound_Adapter_flange_len + tolerance, d = Sound_Adapter_flange_Dia);
// Cut the right size hole for sound
cylinder(h = Sound_Adapter_body_len + (tolerance*3), d = sound_Size + (tolerance*2));
translate([0,0,Sound_Adapter_flange_len + (Sound_Adapter_len/2)]) rotate([0,90,0])
cylinder(h = Sound_Adapter_Securing_ScrewHole_len, d = Sound_Adapter_Securing_ScrewHole_Dia);