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Hello everyone

Unread post by Estimer56 »

Hello everyone
Hello, my English is not good, so I use Google Translate. I would like to introduce myself. I am an older man (67) and have been using electrical stimulation for over 40 years. I started with a small model train transformer. I tied one copper wire around my glans and the other around my testicles. Today I own an ET 312 and an Estim 2B. Unfortunately, I have only just discovered this beautiful forum. I would like to get actively involved and pass on my experiences to you. One question for Joanne: I have a few photos of myself where you can clearly see how the probes are used. Are you allowed to upload photos like this? I would be happy about an answer. Your forum is great.

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Re: Hello everyone

Unread post by Joanne »

HI Estimmer56, welcome; I hope you find this place useful. Regarding pictures, I prefer to keep this form XXX pic free as it is viewable by all. Feel free to link to examples you have posted elsewhere, though.
I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)

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