Forum Rules

Talk about anything and everything in this forum. So if something doesn't fit in any other sub-forum it will generally be moved here.
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Forum Rules

Unread post by Joanne »

Well, it looks like it is time for me to get my big girl bossy boots on.

I have finally had to jot down some forum rules as recently some people seem to have taken it upon themselves to rock the boat here as it were. So, in light of that, I am introducing some very simple rules and these are:

No Spam

This one I thought would be fairly obvious, but for the chancers out there, I have a zero-tolerance to spam. Link posting is fine if it is relevant to a thread and beneficial to the readers but spam links are not.

If you are worried about posting a link in case you think it may appear spammy then feel free to ask me if you like. I do not want to deter link posting but obvious spam links will be simply deleted.

Yes, it is you purveyors of viagra and the likes that I am talking to. :x

No Haters

This is a very friendly place and I intend to keep it that way. I will not tolerate hateful posts directed at me or any other forum member, let's all play nice. :)

Legal Posts

If you post images, be mindful of copyright issues, make sure you own the copyright to any images you post and make sure that they are legal. That goes for post subjects as well, keep it legal, please. :!:

That's it, I told you they are simple rules.

Note: As you would expect, I reserve the right to amend and add any rules should the need arise. ;)

I'm just a kinky married mother of two who enjoys playing with sex toys and telling the internet all about it. ;)