Hello, im New with mystim.(soz my english, im spanish)
I have 2 loops, 1 bipolar sound and pads. And max user 8 lines (channel 1- 2Pos + 2Neg, and Channel 2- 2Pos + 2neg) i can put 4lines in channel 1 and only 2 in chanel 2, or 2lines in channel 1 and 2 in channel 2.
My question is... if i want try to triphase? How is the Best position?
I think 2 negative at anal sound and then? 1 loop positive in glans and other loop positive in penis base or 2 negative anal sound and 1 pad in perineum and other loop in glans?
Thx so much and i need differents ideas or configuration for rate and width in manual Mode.
And for my girlfriend too